Can Corporates, Businesses and Executives benefit from Radionics?
The answer is a resounding YES!
STRESS MANAGEMENT is a 'grey' area that is often ignored. Thus valuable management and Employee productivity is irretrievably lost by dismissing a key area of concern for any business.
In general, individual stress management programmes would require downtime and quite substantial costs in
order to achieve a reasonable result.
However, by utilizing this particular modality, and as a result of years of experience in very stressful corporate environments, I have the experience and ability to tailor-make packages either for your total business, or on a departmental basis that can be run as a collective without requiring any ‘downtime’ to your organization in order for me to establish and run this.
I would automatically include the sleep improvement programme I have developed
for those individuals who may wish to be included.
Sleep apnea, i.e. disturbed sleep patterns, is one of the primary contributors to major stress,
and over a period of time, this continued disturbance of the circadian rythms depletes the
immune system.
All that is needed is for each individual included in the programme to give their permission and a ‘witness’ i.e. photo or hair sample. The sleep programme that I have developed is run every night for all Clients wishing to be included. It does not put you to sleep or make you drowsy but when you do fall asleep, takes you into a very profoundly relaxing state that allows for a better and longer sleep duration and quality.
As stress is a key factor affecting almost all peoples lives nowadays, most would consider being included in such a programme to be beneficial. The results will speak for themselves.
Stress radically lessened, and replaced with a personal feeling of harmony and well-being,
will improve crucial decision making processes, enhance creative thinking, lessen tensions
at home and in the workplace and thus positively impact on saving valuable Company
resources and building a more cooperative team. It improves the immune system, thus
lessening the chances of downtime due to illness.
As previously mentioned, any treatments are equally effective internationally and locally, as distance is not a factor affecting this mode of healing.
Within several days of beginning a programme, the recipients will feel a difference. The main description from individuals in terms of immediate report back is that their 'coping mechanism' improves and are thus less reactive.
Within a short period of time, and with the improvement in sleeping patterns, greater energy is experienced and a calmer attitude follows.