Preliminary discussion "get to know"
15 mins - gratis.
We can explore your issues in broad terms and I will advise the best treatment option for you to make a more informed decision as to whether you wish to pursue this avenue of treatment options.
It is vital for you to feel comfortable with me as your potential Practitioner
and for me to assess if I am able to be of effective service to you.
Pre-Booking Essential.
Options: Whattsap / Zoom .us / Skype / Facebook Messenger
Treatment Option 1
One - off De-Stresser and balancer
comprises prelimiary 10 minutes discussion and then
90 minutes remote radionics session with Client lying down and relaxed
This treatment involves Practitioner being fully focussed 1 to 1 with radionics machine, changing frequencies for the full duration of the session.
Follow up discussion 10 minutes when Client feels ready - no later than 24 hours therafter by appointment.
Potential after effects :
Tiredness, Emotional Release, General Feeling of needing to sleep.
It is adviseable to undertake this treatment when not needing to work the following day to allow the body to fully release the stress and to allow oneself to "go with the flow"
A greater sense of being more relaxed, de-stressed and greater ability to 'cope' will generally result from this treatment.
Treatment Option 2
Sleep Programme Only.
This is always included in the 3-month radionic treatment programme but can be purchased separately in advance as a stand alone treatment on a 3 month basis
(with option to renew every 3 months).
This is a group Client programme whereby this programme is run nightly to ensure optimum sleep. This does not put you to sleep, but when you have gone to sleep, the quality of sleep is far more profound and anti-stress related. Clients on this programme all report better stress coping mechanisms and better quality of sleep, no matter how many hours they sleep.
This does not cause daytime drowsiness in any way and has no negative 'side effects' .
Positive effects are felt by everyone on this programme.
Treatment Option 3
One-off Trauma/ Grief or Emotional Issue transformational clearing session
Total treatment time up to 5 hours
This comprises a one to one discussion of approximately 2-3 hours and includes me teaching you whilst actually utilizing self help clearing methods that are extremely fast and effective.
We will explore together what your current core issues are and clear them immediately, whether this is due to a close family member or friend passing, an accident trauma, physical or emotional abuse current or in the past, divorce, separation etc. In essence anything that is causing you extreme or lingering trauma and/or emotional pain.
Thereafter, if you are here with me in my rooms, you will be run for 90 minutes on an on circuit radionic session with my constant and undivided attention,
or, if you are a distance client, having had the clearing session on either Skype or Zoom.us,
I will then do the same remotely and run you on a tailormade clearing programme whilst you lie down and relax whereby I am next to to my radionic machine doing the same as if you were here with me .
You will feel much lighter, way less emotional, and your coping mechanism will return.
The grief or trauma you experienced with feel 'distant' and very easy to deal with going forward.
In most cases, a massive turnaround is experienced; motivation and 'get up and go' feelings return.
In essence a complete transformation will occur and you will also practice the clearing techniques at home and the self help knowledge will remain with you for the rest of your life to assist with any future occurrences/challenges.
It is advisable to conduct this session when you are not required to work the following day as you will feel tired but relaxed and should preferably be in a situation whereby you can relax as you feel the need to (go with the flow) for the downloads and clearing to happen easily.
( I often have sessions of this nature with persons who are finding it difficult to move on with their lives for various reasons. )
Treatment Option 4
Full 3 - Month Radionics, programme comprising treatment of all issues of concern
The commencement of this treatment option will be very similar to Treatment option 3.
However, the difference is that I include a NES ProVision Scan at the beginning of the assessment to determine accurately and faster where the emotional and physiological energy blockages are. These are then discussed and a decision made as to the course of treatment.
It is then entirely up to the Client as to whether they would like to be treated with the infoceuticals, that will be recommended resulting from the scan outcome.
On this programme, Clients receive nutritional and supplementation advice where required, daily radionic treatment at distance that I design and tailor-make to suit the requirement (these are changed as often as necessary based on feedback) , automatic inclusion on the maintenance and night programmes, daily or very regular communication ( preferably on whattsapp or otherwise email) with feedback and interractions regarding current status and feedback. Clients can contact me at any time with no restrictions and I will respond within the fastest possible time.
A follow up full one to one 60 minute remote or in-house comprehensive radionic session is included.
Treatment Option 5
NES ProVision Scan & Infoceuticals
The NES ProVision Scan and Infoceuticals are designed to determine energy blockages in the Human Biofield (please see NES ProVision Page for further details). It is adviseable to commit to a series of minimum 4 x once monthly scans with subsequent infoceuticals (anywhere between 3 (minimum) and 5 (maximum) depending on your budget.
Treatment Option 5 & 6 combined.
3 months radionics full programme plus monthly NES programme - scans and infoceuticals.
Combination of Treatment Option 5 and 6 with a Client commitment to continue with The New ProVision Scanning and Infoceuticals programme repeatedly for a minimum of 4 months with monthly scans and infoceuticals. Depending on the severity of your condition, it may be necessary to remain on the entire package for longer. It is therefore necessary for Clients to take this into consideration and remain flexible going forward as severe cases may be a much longer process. Such issues can only be discussed in the 'get to know' free session and it may be necessary for a more thorough assessment to be done.